Use Fstack Protector All (stack Canaries For Mac

Buffer overflow protection is any of various techniques used during software development to enhance the security of executable programs by detecting buffer overflows on stack -allocated variables, and preventing them from causing program misbehavior or from becoming serious security vulnerabilities. Fstack-protector: enables stack protection for vulnerable functions that contain buffers larger than 8 bytes. This includes functions that call “alloca”.-fstack-protector-all adds stack protection to all functions.-fstack-protector-strong: like -fstack-protector. But it includes additional functions that have local array definitions,.

Use Fstack Protector All (stack Canaries For MacUse stack protector all (stack canaries for macular degeneration

I have a few questions about Stack Guard and SSP protections. First question is about Stack Guard and its three types of canaries, if I am correctly - terminator, random and random XOR.


1) I'd like to know, how to disabled Stack Guard on x86 Linux system? Somewhere I read, it's possible with this command, while compiling with gcc '-disable-stackguard-randomization', it's same like with this command for enable '-enable-stackguard-randomization', both doesn't work. If needed, my gcc version is 4.8.2.

2) Next question about Stack guard, when I will able to enable/disable it, how can I set, which type of canaries I want to use? What I read, terminator canaries are used by default, for random I have to compiled with '-enable-stackguard-randomization', but how about random XOR? (Or with null 0x00000000)

3) Now about SSP(ProPolice), I know, for random canary I have to compiled with 'fstack-protector-all', but how about terminator, is it same as in Stack Guard, by default?

4) Last one, if anyone of you, can tell me, where I can find random canary in memory. For example, I have this scenario - compiled C program, like 'gcc -g example.c -o example -fstack-protector-all', so with random canaries. Let's say, I'm able to get address of canary, after every execution. So expect, I have: Canary = 0x1ae3f900. From a different papers, I get some info, that canary is located in .bss segment. So I get address of .bss segment using readelf: 'readelf -a ./example | grep bss'. It's 080456c9. In gdb I set some breakpoints, to get address of canary, but when I check .bss address x/20x 0x080456c9, all I see are only 0x00000000 addresses, butcanary is nowhere. Plus, I checked __stack_chk_fail's if it isn't there, but with same result, I can't see it there. I get address of stack_chk_fail from PLT/GOT.

Thank in advance for your answer and time.

Use Stack Protector All (stack Canaries For Macular Degeneration

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