Visual Studio Community For Mac How To Install Nunit Test Adapter

Use the Visual Studio debugger to quickly find and fix bugs across languages. The Visual Studio for Mac debugger lets you step inside your code by setting Breakpoints, Step Over statements, Step Into and Out of functions, and inspect the current state of the code stack through powerful visualizations. To run TestLeft tests from Visual Studio by using NUnit Test Adapter, you must have the NUnit 3 Test Adapter extension installed in your Visual Studio. To learn how to install the adapter, see the Adapter Installation section in the NUnit documentation. The NUnit project and test templates are available only for Visual Studio projects that. NUnit Test Adapter 2.2: June 5, 2019: Older Releases. These releases are needed by many people for legacy work, so we keep them around for download. Bugs are accepted. All of these choices have great support for NUnit with integrated test runners to let you run or debug a single test or group of tests. Some provide support inside the actual code editor window for running and debugging tests and this helps produce context switching, which makes the test writing process even more convenient.


NUnit framework is an opensource unit testing framework in C#. It is an updated version of JUnit. The .Net Foundationhas developer this type of unit test framework. It is used for the development and execution of unit tests in the .Net programming language.

Purpose of using NUnit Framework:

In the NUnit framework,each module is tested independently to ensure that the objective is met. The NUnit Framework containsa different type of attribute that is used during the unit tests. They are used to define Test –Fixtures, Test methods, Expected Exception, and Ignore methods.

Installation Process:

  • Download and install Visual Studio for development. Based on the requirement, you can download the Community/Professional/Enterprise edition of Visual Studio 2019.

  • Based on the OS, we can select the packages for the NUnit testing framework in the Visual Studio.
  • Once the installation is complete, we will need to restart the machine before Visual Studio 2019 can be used.
  • In NUnit, first, weneed to create a new project in Visual Studio. Go to Visual Studio New Project.
  • In the created project, will have the basic test with NUnit annotations used in the source code.
  • You need to reference the nunit.framework.dll. If you use NuGet, this will be done for you automatically while installing NUnit.
  • After installing the NUnit, we need one more dll that needs to be installed in the project.

NUnit Test Adapter for Visual Studio

  • The NUnit Test Adapter allows you to run NUnit tests in Visual Studio.


  • If you are not adding this component in the project, you may not be able to find the tests in test Explorer.
  • Navigate to Tools NuGet Package Manager Manage NuGet Packages for Solution and search for NUnit & NUnit Test Adapter.
  • You can find both the Libraries in project reference.
  • Setup Selenium WebDriver with Visual Studio in C#:

1.Navigate to Tools NuGet Package Manager Manager NuGet Packages for Solution and search for Selenium.

  • After clicking the ‘Install’ button, click ‘Okay’ and then click ‘ I Accept’.

Visual Studio Community For Mac How To Install Nunit Test Adapter Windows 10

  • After the installation of Selenium WebDriver, you can start automation testing using NUnit in the selenium C# framework.
  • As we are making use of local Selenium WebDriver, we should download the Selenium WebDriver for Chrome andinstall/copy it to the location where the Chrome web browser (Chrome.exe) is located.

List of Attributes/Annotation(Order of Execution):

  1. OneTimeSetUp – If we use this attribute, then the execution starts from this section.
  2. SetUp – Setup executes after ‘OneTimeSetUp’
  3. Test – Test Executes after ‘SetUp’
  4. TearDown – Test Executes after ‘Test’
  5. OneTimeTearDown –This attribute executes at last.


  • If we do not use ‘OnetimeSetUp’ & ‘OneTimeTearDown’, then the Execution starts from ‘SetUp’ and the End of ‘TearDown’.

Find the below usage of each Attribute/Annotations used in NUnit framework,

TextFixture Attribute:

  • The TestFixture attribute is asign that a class contains test methods. After you mention this attribute to a class in your project, the Test Runner application will scan it for test methods.


  • The Test attribute indicates that a method within a test fixture should run by the Test Runner application. The method must be public, return void, and can’t be run when the Test Fixture is run.
  • Now,let us check our test. Go to the Visual Studio Test Explorer.
  • If we check the Left side of Visual Studio, it will open a pane called Test Explorer with all the test scenarios as follows.


  • It is used when you want to execute a piece of code in each test case. It identifies a method to be executed each time before a Method or Test is executed.


  • Next, the execution moves to ‘Test’ Attribute.

Tear Down:

  • If we check the sequence of execution, the method that used TearDown attribute will be executed last after the execution of the Test case.

Here we see the below a few more attributes:

ExpectedException Attribute:

  • By using this attribute, we need to install ‘MSTest.TestFramework’ package. You can see the error before installing that package.
  • Here, you can see the exception method that has the custom exception.

Ignore Attribute:

  • The Ignore attribute is required to indicate that a test should not be run on a method. You can see the output in Test Detail summary.


  • It will run just once before any of the tests in the class. So, if you run the class, the method annotated with [OneTimeSetUp] will get executed just once before the first test, and then never again.


  • It will run once after all the tests are completed. Common usage for these annotations is opening and closing connections before all the tests.

Get Started With Unit Testing - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs


How To Unit Test Using Visual Studio For Mac (it's Easy!)

  • Annotations used in NUnit help in speeding up test development & execution as tests can be executed with numerous input values.
  • TDD is primarily useful as unit tests are instrumental in finding issues/bugs during the earlystages of development. NUnit test framework can be used with Selenium if you plan to use TDD (Test Driven Development) for the test activity.
  • Provides you the ability to run your test cases in parallel.
  • Using NUnit, you can execute test cases from console runner by either a third-party automation testing tool or by the NUnit Test Adapter inside the Visual Studio.

NUnit Version 2 Documentation Archive

An extension that adds Project and Item templates to Visual Studio along with Code Snippets to make unit testing with NUnit 3 easier.

The project currently provides the following templates.

Project Templates

NUnit 3 Unit Test ProjectDesktopC#
NUnit 3 Unit Test ProjectDesktopVisual Basic
NUnit 3 Unit Test ProjectXamarin Android1C#
NUnit 3 Unit Test ProjectXamarin iOS1C#
NUnit 3 Unit Test ProjectXamarin UWP1,2C#

1Requires Xamarin for Visual Studio be installed.
2Requires the Windows 10 SDK be installed.

For more information on Xamarin testing, see Testing Xamarin Projects using NUnit 3.

Item Templates

NUnit Test FixtureC#An NUnit unit test class
NUnit Test FixtureVisual BasicAn NUnit unit test class
NUnit SetUp FixtureC#Code that runs before and after all the tests in the assembly
NUnit SetUp FixtureVisual BasicCode that runs before and after all the tests in the assembly

Code Snippets

Test FixturentestfixtureC#
Test MethodntestC#
Test CasentestcaseC#

Don't see the template you need or your favorite code snippet? All you need to do is fork the repository on GitHub, add it and create a pull request. We love help and contributions.