- Command: Modern Operations is the next generation in cross-domain modern wargaming. It enables you to simulate every military engagement from post World War II to the present day and beyond. The scale is primarily tactical/operational, although strategic scale operations are also possible.
- Please login to add your score for Command: Modern Air Naval Operations Lifespan played on the pc. Value This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members.
- Arlington, VT, March 06, 2015. Since its initial release in 2013, Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations has consistently evolved in order to offer to the players an unparalleled simulation of modern warfare.
““Command - Desert Storm” is a DLC for Command: Modern Operations, the premier game of air, naval & strategic warfare. Fourteen historical & hypothetical campaign scenarios plus a bonus contemporary standalone scenario cover the major actions that marked the conflict, allowing you to explore.” Mar 1, 2018.
Command got a great new update which brings it up to version 1.11. This new update has some very unique and major features, including pier and docking operations.In this article, I show how to add a new naval base (Naval Base Puerto Belgrano, Argentina) and how to add ships to it.
Please right click the figures and open them in a new window for a more detailed view.
In the scenario editor, I added one side (Argentina) and added a structure to the lower belly of the Province of Buenos Aires. This particular facility is listed as a generic facility in the database. |
Once created, I renamed the pier structure to 'Base Naval Puerto Belgrano' and then I selected it and went to Editor->Edit Docked Boats |
Then I selected the Type 42 Destroyer 'ARA Hercules'. Note the lower part of the pop-up window and how it asks you how many ships of the type you want to create (very small but don't forget to use it). Once the ship was added, the naval base shows a small yellow and black icon on it. |
To launch a ship from the pier, you select the base, right click (or just press F7). |
This Boat Docking Operations window shows how may ships are available and their status. To (finally) launch the ship, just select it and use the button in the bottom of the window ('Launch Individually'). |

And the destroyer is out. Off she sails in search of Chinese illegal fishing operations within Argentine territorial waters. |
Once you want the warship back to the naval base, right click on the vessel icon and select RTB. You don't even need to plot a course. |
The implications of these new features are enormous.
For a county with limited resources like Argentina, the tempo of operations has to match the available ports, their capacity and how to pace the operations without leaving the line warship-less.
Command Modern Naval Air Operations
Even for countries with plentiful of resources, the availability of ports and their turnaround time for refueling and repairs can become a bottleneck during sustained operations. Use your assets wisely!
I am really very happy how WarfareSims, after plenty of updates, still delivers a gameplay experience that is not focused in micromanaging individual ships but rather in operations and execution.
Command: Northern Inferno is a DLC for Command: Modern Operations. Set in 1975, the Cold War is omnipresent and beneath the veneer of détente the tension between the two superpowers irreversibly escalate towards the ultimate confrontation.
Do you have what it takes to stand up to Soviet/WP forces and avert Armageddon?
For the first time after the release of the most realistic and accurate modern warfare simulation, the developer, Warfare Sims, has created a fully-fledged campaign expansion that encompasses 15 scenarios across one of the most thrilling and intense moments of recent history.
As an at-sea 'accident' results in the sinking of a Royal Navy frigate and the Warsaw Pact is mobilizing, events rapidly spiral out of control. The world is plunging towards another global conflict - but this time, there will be no post-war recovery, only nuclear disaster.
While the campaign is fictitious, every single part of this electrifying set of scenarios has been meticulously researched to deliver an entirely new experience to please both novice players and experts.
Command Modern Operations

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