Install Toontown Launcher on Mac OSX. June 23, 2017 Amber. App name: Toontown Launcher; App description: toontown-rewritten (App: Toontown You can find your current Toontown Rewritten folder by clicking on your desktop, and then clicking on “Go” on the top menu bar on your screen. Hold down the Option key on your keyboard and click on “Library” when it pops up in the menu. Once that window opens, go to the Application Support folder, and then the Toontown Rewritten folder.
By default, this feature is disabled, but can be enabled manually by editing server.json in the config folder of your Toontown Offline directory. Once enabled, the Magic Word logs will be generated in the logs/moderation/spellbook folder of your Toontown Offline directory. Added a new Magic Word, GetMagicWordCount. Up to now, Mac users haven’t had access to Toontown Online — it’s been for PC users only. System requirements call for a 450MHz or faster PowerPC-based Mac or any Intel-based Mac, 256MB RAM. Aug 01, 2018 How to play two toontown accounts ON A MAC!! - Duration: 4:46. Pacetoon 2,034 views. Testing Multi Toon Control on Cog Invasion Online (Multi Toon & Mirror Mode) - Duration: 2:40.
More NewsTom's Toontorials: Hotkeys and Shortcuts
Posted by Tutorial Tom on December 10, 2016 at 3:00 PM
Hi there! It's your old pal, Toontorial Tom. My oh my, have some of you come a long way since I last saw you. I'm still in the Tutorial business, you see, and I've got another fantastic Toontorial here for you. Today's topic is on Keyboard Hotkeys and Shortcuts that can help you navigate Toontown like a professional.
You may know how to move and jump, but you can do a whole lot more if you know the right buttons to push. I've organized TOON TIPS into different categories to help you become the most knowledgeable Toon around!
For the Photographers:
- F9 will take a screenshot! You can access them in your Shtickerbook.
- F3 will hide all GUI on the screen, which is useful if you want to take a screenshot for a background or avatar without the clutter.
- Tab will change your camera angle, and Shift + Tab will change the camera angle in the opposite direction.
- Page Up or Page Down will let you look above or below.
For the Bug Reporting Experts:
- F10 will take a screenshot with some location and debug information attached. This is helpful for reporting bugs to support.
- Shift + F1 will also display some location and debug information, also useful for reporting bugs to support.
- F2 will display information inside of Cog Facilities for bug reports. It's also useful for checking the current floor number! (Add '1' to the number displayed.)
For the Toons on the Move:
- Home will display your current gags without having to open up your Shtickerbook!
- End will display your current ToonTasks.
- Alt will open up the Street Map if used on a street.
For the New Toons in Town:
- Control is the button to jump! Don't get stuck in a fountain.
- F8 will open your Shtickerbook.
- Escape will open your Shtickerbook to the 'Options' page.
For the Mac Players:
- On OSX or macOS, some hotkeys require pressing FN before the key to make it work. If one of the above keys isn't working, try pressing FN first! And if you can't find the key, check out the other Mac-only shortcuts below.
- FN + Up Arrow or FN + Down Arrow will let you look above or below.
- FN + Left Arrow will display your current gags without having to open up your Shtickerbook!
- FN + Right Arrow will display your current ToonTasks.
I hope that these TOON TIPS are useful for you -- and soon, they'll be displayed in Toontown! I've been working on writing TIPS to add back to loading screens with even more than ever in the not-too-distant future, so keep your eyes peeled.
We'd also love to be able to set your own Hotkeys in the Shtickerbook! What kind of other features would you like to see as Toontown polishes up things around town?
I hope you've enjoyed this Toontorial! Say, we've also cleaned a lot of things up over on Toontorial Terrace. If you know any new Toons in town, tell them to stop by. Enjoy this update!
December 10, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.13.3]
• Minor changes to various cutscenes in the Toontorial for better player experience.
• HQ Harry has an improved cutscene in the Toontorial.
• Transparency for the ToonFest glasses has slightly changed.
• Various typo fixes and dialogue improvements throughout the game.
• Fix an exploit which allowed players to create a loud sound by spamming animations or SpeedChat phrases.
• Fix a bug that prevented players from clicking Tutorial Tom's speech bubbles in the Toontorial.
• Eliminate visual stuttering for the Toontorial Flunky.
• The Toontorial Battle no longer clips with the edge of the sidewalk.
• A number of Toontorial ToonTasks now properly zoom in to the NPC.
• Fixed lack of widescreen support for the 'Make a Friend' ToonTask GUI.
• Street props will now always display in Toontown Central. A previous bug made them only appear after visiting a street.
• Fix a bug causing both Toon HQ doors to display arrows in the margins
• The final battle of the CEO now plays the correct music.
• Fix a bug which caused nametags to be unclickable during the final battle of the CEO.
• Fix a bug which caused the VP to stop moving after being ran into while stunned.
Sorry! Comments are closed.
Thanks a million! Best update ever! Can't wait to try the CEO out. :D
I made a new toon in toontorial I like how the toon spins to Toon HQ when he has to go in it, or is that a bug?
Those keys are very nice to know. Thanks!
Awesome nd thank you ...
Nice :)
Wow, I'm glad so many things are fixed now! A hotkey suggestion I have would be one that disables seeing pies/evidence other Toons are throwing during the VP/CJ to create less client-side lag.
Thanks! I always seem to forget the hotkeys.
When you already knew almost all of these.... lol :D
Awesome long awaited Bug Fixes! Nice to see some love still coming into the game and that it's always being worked on. :)
Hey, hey! Thanks for the helpful tips! I'll be sure to use them!
Thank you for finally taking care of the music in the CEO!
Thank you so much for fixing the VP bug. Greeners definitely like to exploit that one.
Yes! I have been waiting for the VP Fix and the CEO music fix! Thanks TTR Team!
that last bug fix makes me smile
They finally fixed the V.P. stun glitch! I hate people who do that, and I got greened once from it. Thanks, TTR!
Wow i do love the bug fixes, they make me happy! =D #1st
No more Trolls in VP!!! :D
Good to hear from you,Tom! It feels like yesterday I was just learning the ropes, and now I'm spinning cog gears in the HQ'S daily! This is a good refresher, for both new toons and returning toons!
Thanks for the tips, Tom!
Thanks ttr staff! :D
Thank you guys so much for all you work!
I'd love it if the command for throwing pies in the VP was changed on Mac. Instead of FN + Delete, maybe only only one key?
I'd love it if in the options menu, the volumes for music and sound effects could be adjusted with a slider instead of an on-and-off button. My headphones make me hear things too strongly in the game so I have to turn off the music so I don't get a headache. Having a slider from 0-100 or something would be great!
I already knew most of these, but thanks for the tips!! :D
Well, at least I know the name of the street now... But sometimes I just wish I could swing by on Toontorial Terrace to say hi to Harry and Tom.
I've been around for a little over a year now, and might I add a huge THANK YOU to Toontorial Tom for adding these to the blog! Mac Tip for Card Matching Game on Trolley: Be sure to click the Fn + Delete to flip the cards over! Trust me, it helps. It's slower than the Window users, but at least you can still somewhat play. I also thought that the Fn + F3 was a bug at first, and I freaked out with not knowing how to bring back my gags in the Back 9. Now I know. Thanks so much!!! Have fun new Toons!
Thanks for the information! Now I can have more time to rid the streets from Cogs!
You guys are doing a great job in my opinion. But as far as tweaks go, I would love to have a function key to take a quick look at SOS cards.
It's about time the Toontorial got some decent fixes. Now, about Tutorial Tom's missing legs...
Good to see these improvements and bugfixes. The CEO music bug was driving me crazy.
I actually never knew about the Shift + Tab thing. I knew the other one. You learn something new every day.
I've already got stuck in the fountain.. :')
Thank you!
There's a bad bug when moving furniture in the house.
Meow! Thanks for the hotkeys, I haven't even fought the CEO yet so I don't know about the inncorrect music :D
Nice! Now, if we could have the CEO's golfing issues with multiple Toons unable to slow the CEO and such, we'd all be happy Toons! Glad the major bug fixes are the team's new goals now. I'd rather have bugs fixed rather than waiting so long.
Loving all these bug fixes, so happy that we can't get greened in the VP pie round anymore!
Thanks Tom...
I like this update a lot! But the running into vp stun, wouldn't it make the cfo wrong again? Anyways have have a toontastic Christmas (in 4 days!! Ooooo)
How about laptop users where the F(number) button is also with the light button or something?
It is weird how awesome it is for the post to be from Tutorial Tom. Also : 'Fix a bug which caused the VP to stop moving after being ran into while stunned.' makes this an incredible update.
Thanks, this is super helpful! Though I've been playing toontown since around 2009, even I didn't know some of these!
Wow, I never even knew the F3 button would do that. Thank you!
Thanks for the tips! They are very helpful! :)
Thanks tom some of these I didn't know about! :)
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FIXING THE VP You have no idea how many times I've run into a greener in the VP
Cool, thank yuuuuu!! :3
Thanks a million the keys really work! Best Update Ever!!!
Can't wait to try out this new update! Thanks a bunch! :)
Wow! I cant wait for these new controls to come out! Also, thanks for fixing the 'using emote and spamming at the same time;causing a loud noise that irritates everybody' thing, because that was IRRITATING. Well, thanks for that update up there and see ya later!
Do you think we could have the Sellbot Factory's door animations fixed in the next update?
Are not you going to have Christmas ornaments this year?:(
Still waiting for the crashing bug patch! ^^
Great Update for new toons! (I already knew most of em.) I still wished I could golf in the CEO though...
I wish they had that jump warning years ago, I remember getting stuck in a fountain for a good five or ten minutes when I first started playing because I couldn't figure out how to jump out lol
Thanks so much! I really like how you guys fixed that last glitch and I think it will stop bullying!
Toontown Macro Doodle Training
Thank you for fixing the VP bug. I've seen that a lot during VP battles and it gets annoying so thank you for that.
thank toontown, now i know what to press! :)
Tom is Back Again!
• Fix a bug which caused the VP to stop moving after being ran into while stunned :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
It would be nice to be able to use w,a,s,d for movement and have chat open and close with pressing 'enter'! Can't wait for this option!
Thanks For The Keys It Helped Me Out A Lot Thanks!
The VP is playable again guys! So excited!
Thanks a million :) Best Update ever :)
YES! ty for fixing the VP gitch!!! ive have to log out a lot because of that glitch lately.
This is a really helpful update. A few of these fixes have been long awaited, and its good to see them finally here! My suggestion would be adding the ability to use the WASD keys to move as well as the arrows
I already know all the hotkeys but nice job with the update!
The One Time TTR Uploads a post it forgets one detail.. Alt+f9 crashes you... RIP
Thanks so much!! Really helps out with the photography!
Thanks so much TTR! :D The keys are very helpful to know from now on! Thanks bunches. :)
Oh this is great! Squeakity squeak squeak!!!! Sorry, sorry. Got a little exited there. This is real cool though! Oh, also, have any of you seen my sister Pippy? She ate my jellybeans! Again!
Thanks for all the updates you did, but I have a recommendation (although I love what you already did), you see, the reporting players options are vague, and sometimes the toon may do something thats not in the report options so it looks like were false reporting. So what would be great is a description, so we can have a message of what the toon did, because a toon was abusing a glitch to make us lose vp, but, of course, that wasnt on the list. And none were related. If its too hard its okay, but if its do-able i'd be very thankful for it ( but I am already thankful for everything youve done :D )
Yeah... I got stuck in a fountain once.
I've known these shortcuts since TTO. But thanks for the reminder! :)
Man, I can't wait use these keys. Thanks!
Those really are good keys. Thanks Tom!
I didn't know some of dis. Tysm! :3
This amuses me.
OMG!!! Did that say Fix a bug which caused the Vp to stop moving after being ran into while stunned?!?!?!?! YES! Now people can't try greening others!
I'm lovin' these blogs.
Update Incoming!
The Toontown Launcher has been updated! Don't worry, we'll make this as quick as a pie toss -- just a bit less tasty.
Toontown Mac Launcher
Choose your operating system below and open the installer to update. Don't worry if you've already completed this installation before! We trained our installer well to detect those old files and polish them up with new ones.
Hold Your Horses!
It looks like you may be on a mobile device. Toontown is not yet available for mobile devices, but don't let that stop you from having fun. Head over to the nearest computer and grab the Toontown Launcher to get in game!
System requirements are listed below, and feel free to visit our Help Page for more information.
May 27, 2020 [ttr-live-v2.6.8]
Chip n' Dale's Acorn Acres
• Acorn Acres' Picnic Games have been re-written from the ground up for stability and more features!
• While playing Picnic Games, the GUI has been updated with more flair and better indicators.
• Even if you aren't playing a Picnic Game, you can see the game board move in real time, even from afar!
• Rewrote the instructions for Picnic Games to be clearer.
• Reduced the volume of some MiniGolf sound effects added in the last game update.
• Implemented measures to reduce memory leaks and reduce crashes on Intel based systems.
• Increased the speed at which you can deposit and withdraw jellybeans from your Jellybean Bank.
• Corrected a crash that occurred while visiting a friend gardening at their Estate.
• Fixed an issue where names such as 'D.J.' would be blocked due to no vowels and all capitals.
• Re-named 'Juggling Balls' to 'Juggling Cubes'
• Addressed various bugs and glitches throughout Toontown.
• Added a new option in the Options Menu to adjust text quality.
• Adjusted the scaling of '3, 2, 1, Go!' in Kart Racing to be visually clearer.
• Fixed a graphical bug in the 'Cog Thief' Trolley Game.
• Fixed the text alignment of the 'Options & Codes' title in the Shticker Book.
• Implemented Organic Gag indicators in the battle menus. There's no need to say 'ORG' anymore!
• These indicators also affect Toon T.A.G.S. - so you'll never have to worry about if your teammates have come prepared.
Cog HQs
• Re-added room name tags within the Sellbot Factory. Now you'll never be lost!
• Fixed many 'grey screen' loading bugs in the District Attorney's Office and in Cog Golf Courses.
• Fixed various cutscene bugs in the Sellbot V.P. Battle.
• Implemented detailed reward information at the end of the Lawbot Chief Justice and Bossbot C.E.O. Battles.
• Adjusted the names of some Cog Bosses within Boarding Groups and SpeedChat for consistent grammar and style.
• Adjusted the 'How to Play' menu in Cog Golf to be less confusing and visually cleaner.
Windows | Mac | Linux | |
Operating System | Microsoft Windows 7 | OS X 10.9 Mavericks | Any common 64-bit Linux distribution1 |
CPU | A dual-core CPU | A 64-bit dual-core CPU | |
RAM | 2 GB of RAM | ||
Hard Drive | At least 500 MB free space | ||
Graphics Card | An OpenGL-compatible card with at least 256 MB of graphics memory2 | ||
Internet Connection | Any internet connection |

Windows | Mac | Linux | |
Operating System | Microsoft Windows 10 | macOS 10.14 Mojave | Any common 64-bit Linux distribution |
CPU | A 64-bit quad-core CPU | ||
RAM | 4 GB of RAM | ||
Hard Drive | At least 1 GB free space | ||
Graphics Card | An OpenGL-compatible card with at least 1 GB of graphics memory | ||
Internet Connection | A broadband internet connection |
1 Requires glibc >= 2.17, libstdc++ >= 3.4.20, OpenGL and X11 support.
Toontown Mac Screenshot
2 Some Intel HD Graphics cards may experience issues rendering the game's graphics properly due to poor OpenGL support. If you experience any visual issues, try downloading the latest version of your graphics card's driver or contact Intel for help.